Sunday, December 4, 2022

Heck of a 2022

Year End Letter 2022

As this year ends and I review the year end letters from the past,

I reflect on the past years, some were eventful, and others kinda boring. We never know for such each year of our lives will bring. We just have to make the best of each year with Jesus guiding us through the tough times of our lives. No matter what each year brings, the LORD is there and he is always up there watching us. We have to trust in him, especially during these trying times with the war in Ukraine with a terrible Russian dictator, with my friend Petre Chomozcski and his family displaced, with the world inflation, with my TBI, PTSD, nightmares, ailments, and such, I still pray and trust in him. Jesus is the way, truth, and life. And that is what Christmas is about.

This year we lost my mom’s sister, Nancy, who was such a great aunt to me.

She would always write letters of encouragement while I was out to sea with the Navy. She was always a good listener and she never judged another. She was a great lady, who will truly be missed. She is up there in heaven with my son, Kenny, now. Rest in Peace, Aunt Nancy.

This year on my son, Kenny’s, heavenly birthday – his golden 24th birthday on June 24th – my uncle Terry took my wife and I along with my mom and dad out on the boat on the Rock River so we could go to the spot where Ken died and scatter rose petals to honor him. That was so nice for Terry to do that for us.

We enjoyed our summer this year with our friends at the water park. I miss those guys – Mark, Jeff, and Norman. They would hang out with my wife and I, Jeff would go on the slides first with his wife. Then he would chat with Me, Mark, and Norman in the water as I would do my swim exercises at the same time. We all served in the military and had stories to tell. Then I would go on the slides. And later sit and read. It was always a fun time. We will be back there next summer when we visit for my dad’s 80th birthday.

This year was a busy year for my wife and I as we started the next chapter of our lives with our move to Deming New Mexico. It was a long move with my wife driving the 26ft moving truck over the mountain passes of New Mexico. It took three days to get here. And it was a slow drive along the way. When we got here we stayed at the Day’s Inn for nearly 5 weeks, as we went through the hassle of securing our land and ranch home. We had to empty the moving truck into storage, with some guys who helped us and stacked heavy boxes on breakables, thankfully hardly anything was broken as we packed things well. After we finally got the home we took our time unpacking and made the house our own with a Jack - study, a Jill – Master bedroom, a movie room and navy career reflection room, a reading room with tall book shelves, and a huge kitchen and cooking area with an rolling island we added. And 3.85 acres of land in which the weeds grew up to 9 feet tall we paid “2 men and a tractor” to clear the land. Now it is a home we enjoy as we sit out on the porch watching the sun go down over the mountain peaks of the Las Lunas Mountains. We have our routine of chores and dragging the land, and I go to the spa with my massage therapist Teresa, and stylist Chrystal, and get the help from Gabe at Gabe’s Gym with my new workout routine. And will also have the support of my loving wife as we go to the VA in El Paso for all my appointments and TBI tests.

Keep me in your prayers, my friends.

My son, Tim, has only two classes left and he is done with college online at Southern New Hampshire University. And his girlfriend Rachel whom is a daughter-in-law to me has been a big support to him. Waiting for the day they get married. They have been together for 11 years.

Well that is all I can say about this year. Happy 2023!!!

Saturday, December 3, 2022

History of United States and European Football

 A little history -

Have you ever wondered why
in the United States we call football "Soccer"
and have a separate game that we call "Football"?
In London in December of 1863,
they unified the rules of the European Football Association
in a game known as Association Football.
And on May 21st, 1904,
the Federation International Football Association (FIFA)
was formed to unify the sport.
Yet in the United States we adopted to
another European Sport known as Rugby.
Someone came up with the idea to pass the ball forward,
and a new sport was created known as American Football.
And this was first played inter-collegiately in 1869
at Rutgers University.
In 1920 in Canton Ohio with 10 professional teams the
American Professional Football Association was founded
and in 1922 it became known as the National Football Assocation.
And since we in America took the name of Football for our sport,
we used the slag name of European Assocation Football -
ASSOC for the name we called it
and later it became known as the slag name of SOCCER.
On April 5th, 1913, the United States European Football Assocation
was formed and that later became known as the
United States Soccer Federation (USSF).
And there is an historical "My Two Cents".