Monday, October 13, 2014

Cristopher Columbus

Columbus Day, what can I say?
Columbus was a brilliant sailor and navigator,
But he lacked leadership and was not a good governor.
He, like most men, took advantage of the brutality of the time.
He mis-treated slaves and tortured them.
Under the authority of Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand,
He was to discover new land, and set up a spice trade route to China,
In exchange for gold and slaves for the Queen.
He departed on August 3rd, 1492
and commanded three ships;
The Pinta, the Niña, and the Santa Maria.
Although Columbus was in overall command,
the Pinta was captained by Martín Alonso Pinzón
and the Niña by Vicente Yañez Pinzón.
They stopped for supplies in the Canary Islands.
He discovered the Dominica’s on October 12th, 1492
and named the island, San Salvador.
Then he landed in Cuba on October 28th, 1492
thinking it was China, but it was not.
Then he landed in Haiti on December 5th, 1492.
He named the island Hispaniola.
On December 25th, the Santa Maria ran aground
and had to be abandoned.
Columbus himself took over as captain of the Niña,
as the Pinta had become separated from the other two ships.
Negotiating with the local chieftain Guacanagari,
Columbus arranged to leave 39 of his men behind in a small settlement,
In which he named La Navadad.
On January 6, 1493 the Pinta arrived and the ships were reunited:
They set out for Spain on January 16, 1493.
The ships arrived in Lisbon, Portugal, on March 4, 1493
And they returned to Spain shortly thereafter.
Upon his return he persuaded the King to finance another voyage.
He did three more voyages between 1493 and 1504.
He was looking for the lands that Marco Polo discovered,
But never found them; the land of Nanking China.
In his failure to govern a new land, he was brought back in chains.
He died a poor lowly man...

Columbus did not discover America!
A Norse Viking from Greenland by the name of Lief Erikson
whom was the son of Americea landed in America which he named as such
500 years before Columbus sailed.
The closest Columbus got to America was the Bahamas off of Florida.

Columbus did not sail around the world!
A brilliant navigator by the name of Fernadad Magellan did.
Magellan set sail on August 10th, 1519.
He reached the Eastern edge of the known world,
Before he was killed in the Battle of Mactan in Zebu Philippines,
by a blow to the head with a bamboo stick in April of 1521.
His crew completed the voyage to Spain.

What did Columbus really accomplish?
Not much.
He never found the lands of Marco Polo.
He never discovered America.
And he never sailed around the world.
He persevered, kept striving, and never gave up.
But in the end died a poor lowly man.

Thursday, October 2, 2014


I have been having a rough few days.
My shoulder pain, tingling, and imbalance is acting up.
My wife is in the hospital.
I have bills to pay and things to deal with.
I have been under stress lately.
And all I need are people disrespecting me.
This is what I hate the most.

So today I am at the Aldi store parking lot to get some groceries.
And this lady there tells me that she hates people who take advantage of the system,
and that she can fake walking with a limp and walking stick too.
That there is nothing wrong with me.
Excuse me? 

For one I was not walking with a limp,
I use my cane for my imbalance I get.
Two I have tendinosis, tingling, and pain through my shoulder and spine.
Three she did not look disabled to me.
The way she was walking either.

The bitch got in my face and I told her to back off.
She called me a evil name which usually I ignore,
and I turned around and said, "You do not know me!"

She jumped in her car,
in which she did not have a handicap sticker displayed either,
and she was in a handicap spot.

She slammed her car door on me, as I was trying to explain my situation.
It was the last straw for me to deal with such a bitch.
I swung my walking stick at the car and I think broke a headlight.
As she sped away....

The staff manager heard the incident and talked to me to calm me down.
I sat down a moment. And then I did my shopping.
Some of the shoppers in the store chatted with me
and thanked me for my service in the U.S. Navy.
This cheered me up a bit.

My friend on Facebook sent me this quote:

 "Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard.
Do not let pain make you hate.
Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness.
Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree, 
you still believe it to be a beautiful place."
 — Iain Thomas

What do you do when you always try to be nice,
but still get put down and disrespected by others?
Like today before the Aldis indecent,
I let a man driving a truck out into the street,
you know how it is to wait to get into the street from a road.

Then I held the door open for this elderly lady,
and I helped a man in a wheel chair into his car at the YMCA.
I do these nice things, and a b*tch disrespects me.
Not right; not right at all.

"Let no one seek his own good, but the good of his neighbor."
1st Corinthians 10:24 ESV

This is what I always seek to do my friends and peeps of my blog page.
That is to do good works, no matter how I am treated.
However, it pains me to be mistreated.

I will keep striving. Tomorrow is another day.