Tuesday, November 10, 2020

10 things that President Biden will do

 1. He will bring our democracy back and reunite us. 

For it is the Democracy of this Republic that keeps us together. 

And he will unite us with the world again, and bring us back into NATO. 

2. He will fight the coronavirus, trust science, bring us back to the Pandemic Response Team, 

and bring us back into the World Health Organization. 

3. He will bring our economy back, and create job growth 

like he did when he was VP under Obama. 

Right now we are under the worst economy and job growth since Herbert Hoover left office. 

4. He will fight climate change, bring us into the 21st century with green new jobs, 

build more wind and solar power, build back up the EPA, 

and bring us back into the Paris Accord

in which the U.S. will be a steward of the earth 

and an example for the world to follow again. 

5. He will start bringing an end to systemic racism 

which has been enacted in our laws since after the Civil War. 

This is long past do. 

He will also revamp the police force with better training 

and programs to build back up the community. 

6. He will bring back DACA, a path to citizenship, enact immigration reform, 

and reunite the families of the over 600 migrant children separated from family.

7. He will build back our infrastructure, get our roads and bridges rebuilt or repaired, 

and I feel we should get the train system going again like Obama wanted;

IE Train from Rock Island to Chicago to LA. 

8. He will build on the Affordable Care Act with a public health option, 

Sadly now during the heart of this Covid Crises, 

Trump is trying to get over 20 million Americans 

with preexisting conditions kicked off health care by another attempt to get rid of the ACA 

which states like New York, Illinois, California 

and others are stating their case to keep the ACA today.

9. He will stop the Muslim ban; 

and bring back the freedom to be who we are in this country. 

No matter if one is Christian, Jew, Muslim; gay, straight, bi; 

no matter boy or girl or transgender. 

We all have opportunity to excel in this country. 

Biden will stop the hate and bring back opportunity. 

And with the first ever female, black, Asian, and family of immigrants Vice President -

Kamala Harris; any little girl or teen can be whomever they want to be. 

They have someone to look up to and be encouraged and inspired by. 

The glass ceiling is broken. It has been long past due. 

10. He will enact gun reform, and start bringing an end to mass shootings.

Biden IS the president we need right now. 

There will be no more red or blue states, but we will be the United States again. 

I am so very happy that President Elect Biden won. 

It is time for Trump to go; he has hurt our country enough. 

When Biden was declared the winner there was dancing on the streets from New York, 

to Chicago, and to LA. And there were celebrations throughout the world;

with Fireworks in London and the Ringing of the Church Bells in Paris. 

On this day I am still feeling overjoyed! 

Sunday, September 27, 2020

My Thoughts on this Sunday

 Wow! This world can be a challenge to my life.

My spirit is tested, my mind I have seen evil in my life,
through pain my body is exhausted.
I fight daily through my pain,
and there is still much in life I want to do.
One day I dream of being a philanthropist -
having my inventions being sold worldwide,
having an art studio for children,
having a chain of Tiger Ryu dojos,
having a housing unit for homeless in my community,
having a children's center in Cartagena Colombia
where my sponsored daughter is,
having a earth home in New Mexico,
having a yellow 1969 Ford Mustang Boss 302,
and having my own jet plane.
But, during this covid crises I feel tired, quarantine, isolated
at times and I am ready for this crises to end.
I am ready to move on with a new President,
say good riddance to Trump,
and I will take heart in getting my life going again.
~ TL Kerofsky, MA

Friday, September 25, 2020

My Two Cents - Gun Reform

 Here is a short My Two Cents:

Though I am a Socialist Democrat;
and believe in Climate Change, Global Warming,
Fighting for and being a Steward of the Earth,
believe in legalizing Marijuana across the board,
stand up for Veterans and their rights,
stand against homelessness, especially for Veterans,
stand for Black Lives Matter, and Racial Justice,
however I do stand against abortion per say -
only for rape, incest, a pregnant child,
and for the life threat of the mother
is when abortion should be performed,
and many other values I stand and believe in
with my Christian, Catholic Rooted, Faith;
with that said I am also a Gun Owner with a CCL,
and I believe in the 2nd Amendment -
however, the second amendment was written when
we did not have the mass killing weapons we have now.
And even Reagan believed in gun reform;
we have to gut some of these gun laws
and enact some common sense gun laws -
ones that do not affect a law abiding gun owner.
I feel we should:
1. Enact a buy back program and
get many of the AR's and AK's off the streets,
and make it so only prier military
and those properly trained can own those type of weapons.
2. Have enhanced background checks.
3. Close some of the loopholes
and make it harder for criminals to get guns.
I mean it is hard for a law abiding citizen to get guns,
but easy for criminals and that is NOT right.
With some common sense gun reform we can all work together,
to Stop Mass Shootings in America.
And that is "My Two Cents".
TL Kerofsky, MA

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Vote from YOUR heart.

My two cents -
Truth is Red goes to far right today;
and Blue goes to far left today.
What ever happened to the days of Reagan
when we all got along
and found the common ground for America?
Sadly those days are long gone my friends.
Now really one has to pick a side in which
they feel in their heart is the right way for the country to go.
Do we want four more years of Trump: of hate, of inequality,
of climate denying, of his twitter bullying?
Sure he pulled out of the bad TPP deal,
sure he brought some funding back to NASA
in where SPACE X stepped in,
sure he enacted the China Trade Agreement,
and fought the Opioide crises to name a few.
But he also enacted the Muslim ban,
took away the Paris Accord,
lowered emission standards,
denies climate change,
defunded part of the EPA,
alienated our allies,
is in bed with dictators,
took away the Pandemic Response Team,
defunded the WHO, mistrusts his scientists,
and worst of all mishandled the Covid Pandemic.
Do YOU really want four more years?
Or do we want a new change?
A change in bringing in green jobs,
of fighting climate change,
of unifying our NATO allies,
of bringing in Universal Health Care,
in bringing back DACA and a path to citizenship,
and most importantly bringing back a Pandemic Response Team,
ending the Covid Pandemic
and ensuring a another pandemic won't happen again.
Make a choice; but no matter how YOU vote, VOTE.
For WE all have the right to Vote!
Just vote from YOUR Heart!
That is my two cents. Thanks.

Friday, June 19, 2020

Juneteenth Day and My Two Cents

Today is a day which on June 19th, 1865
the last of the slaves were free,
yet after the civil war the slaves still worked like slaves,
in the 1960's we had the Jim Crow Laws and segregation,
then we had the Equal Rights Movement,
and now there is still racial inequality
and unequal justice in America.
Reflect on that my friends.

Happy or is it?
Juneteenth Day.
May we finally put an end to systemic racism.
And may we finally have racial justice;
in which the blacks and browns are not murdered by the cops,
like what happened to George Floyd
who was murdered live on tape
as a corrupt cop kneeled on his neck for over 8 minutes.
May these bad apples of cops,
which there are many good ones out there -
I have some friends who are cops
and will be working with them when
I become a Private Investigator,
face justice which many used to get away with murder.
I stand with the blacks - for their lives matter too.
We are falling backward toward the 1960s,
and the evil Jim Crow Laws, the rise of hate,
and now have a Covid Crises.
Under the Trump regime America has fallen backwards
so far that I think it is going to take two terms of Biden
and another 2 years with a democrat, a decade,
to get back to where we were
under the true presidency under Barrack Obama.
Where we had democracy, environmental reform,
DACA - Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals,
a Pandemic Response Team, a Strong CDC and EPA,
and healthcare reform.
Trump has spent his presidency to undo every good thing
Obama has done.
However after the protests,
there is going to be equal justice reform, defund of police in
which there will be programs to support other services IE
mental health, homeless reform, and others that the police
should not be involved with.
And I am happy with the two wins from the Supreme Court:
The equal rights of LGBTQ in which they cannot be fired
from their job because of their sexual orientation, though I do
NOT agree of what they do, I will not judge them for it;
and the DACA win in which Trump was trying to dismantle.
He is also trying to dismantle the Affordable Health Care Act
in the middle of this Covid Pandemic.
If we can survive just a few more months of Trump,
get him voted out with Biden,
and Ruth Gader Ginsburg stays around in the supreme court
for a little while longer so Trump does not get another
corrupt justice in the supreme court,
then we can get America going forward again.
This has been My Two Cents.
Thanks for reading my view on this Juneteenth Day.

Have a day of forgiveness for someone who wronged you,
have a day of fighting for equal justice and racial equality,
have day of a conversation to one of a different race
to gain an understanding of him or her,
and have a day of reflection of what you want your future to be.