Sunday, September 27, 2020

My Thoughts on this Sunday

 Wow! This world can be a challenge to my life.

My spirit is tested, my mind I have seen evil in my life,
through pain my body is exhausted.
I fight daily through my pain,
and there is still much in life I want to do.
One day I dream of being a philanthropist -
having my inventions being sold worldwide,
having an art studio for children,
having a chain of Tiger Ryu dojos,
having a housing unit for homeless in my community,
having a children's center in Cartagena Colombia
where my sponsored daughter is,
having a earth home in New Mexico,
having a yellow 1969 Ford Mustang Boss 302,
and having my own jet plane.
But, during this covid crises I feel tired, quarantine, isolated
at times and I am ready for this crises to end.
I am ready to move on with a new President,
say good riddance to Trump,
and I will take heart in getting my life going again.
~ TL Kerofsky, MA

Friday, September 25, 2020

My Two Cents - Gun Reform

 Here is a short My Two Cents:

Though I am a Socialist Democrat;
and believe in Climate Change, Global Warming,
Fighting for and being a Steward of the Earth,
believe in legalizing Marijuana across the board,
stand up for Veterans and their rights,
stand against homelessness, especially for Veterans,
stand for Black Lives Matter, and Racial Justice,
however I do stand against abortion per say -
only for rape, incest, a pregnant child,
and for the life threat of the mother
is when abortion should be performed,
and many other values I stand and believe in
with my Christian, Catholic Rooted, Faith;
with that said I am also a Gun Owner with a CCL,
and I believe in the 2nd Amendment -
however, the second amendment was written when
we did not have the mass killing weapons we have now.
And even Reagan believed in gun reform;
we have to gut some of these gun laws
and enact some common sense gun laws -
ones that do not affect a law abiding gun owner.
I feel we should:
1. Enact a buy back program and
get many of the AR's and AK's off the streets,
and make it so only prier military
and those properly trained can own those type of weapons.
2. Have enhanced background checks.
3. Close some of the loopholes
and make it harder for criminals to get guns.
I mean it is hard for a law abiding citizen to get guns,
but easy for criminals and that is NOT right.
With some common sense gun reform we can all work together,
to Stop Mass Shootings in America.
And that is "My Two Cents".
TL Kerofsky, MA