Here are the many conflicts we fought in:
King Philips War; 4 July 1675 to 12 Aug 1676
King Williams War; 1689 - 1697
Queen Anne's War; 1702 - 1713
King George War; 1744 - 1748
French Indian War; 1756 - 1763
Cherokee War; 1759 - 1761
(actually it was our terrorism to the Indians, the trail of tears)
American Revolution; 1775 - 1783
Franco American Naval War; 1798 - 1800
Barbary Wars; 1801 - 1805
War of 1812; 1812 - 1815
Creek War; 1813 - 1814
War of Texas Independence; 1836
Mexican American War;1846 - 1848
The Civil War; 1861 - 1865
Spanish War; 1898
WW1; 1914 - 1918
WW2; 1939 - 1945
Korea; 1950 - 1953
Vietnam; 1960 - 1975
Bay of Pigs; 1961
Grenada; 1983
Lebanon; 1983 - 1987
Panama; 1989
Philippine Coup Attempt; 1989
Persian Gulf; 1990 - 1991
Bosnia; 1993 - 1996
Afghanistan; 2001 to ?
Iraq; 2003 - 2014
This is a lot.
How many more do we need to get involved in?
What is next?
North Korea?
Why can't we just have peace, instead of conflict?
110 years of war!