Thursday, January 21, 2016

Three Reasons why people take Martial Arts!

What I have found is there are three main reasons
why people train in the martial arts.
1. Aesthetics -
people like the exotic art form of the animals like the tiger,
the crane, the dragon, the monkey, the praying mantis, etc.
They like the art of the martial arts.
People, also, like the spiritual aspect of the martial arts, the meditation, finding inner peace, 
and ones true self.
2. Athletics -
Of course Martial Arts is a great way to get in shape and tone the body.
Some of the old school ways of training using stone weights,
hitting the makawari board, the tensation and relaxation exercises,
the kata, the forms, the fighting and take down drills,
will all get one in shape, that is certain.
3. Combative -
Today I feel martial arts went full circle,
and is back to the real combat of Okinawan Te and Jujitsu for example.
With all the gun violence, muggings, rape, murder, bullying,
it is a wonder why people walk out their front door today.
We are truly in a dangerous, evil, violent world in today's society.
And many people come to dojos to learn self defense (Goshindo Uki).
However, with dojos popping up on many street corners,
one has to be weary of just going to any dojo.
Watch out for the so-called McDojos which is a term being used today.
I will talk about that in another discussion...
Anyway, these are the three main reasons why people take martial arts.
Why do you take martial arts?

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