Monday, January 4, 2016

Never Give Up, Keep Striving, even through pain!

My peoples I never give up!
This is what my struggles through my pain is like.
I ask myself:
Can cold, tingling, and pain really be overcome? 
Yes through God, through faith, through prayer.  
But not with chemical foods or drugs;
My pain pills work at times,
but then the body becomes immune to them.
Yes I feel less pain in a warmer climate,
but then one has to move.
(Which will be soon hopefully to Las Crucis New Mexico)
The tens unit worked at first,
but now it is causing me to tingle more.
The therapeutic cane works at times,
but then my shoulder gets tight for me holding it.
The swimming helps and the warm whirlpool helps,
but then I have to go in the cold and drive with one hand to get there.
I love summer, that is certain.
Though I also have blonde fundis
(which is why my eyes are sensitive to light);
and my shades do work for that.
Then I hit the water park and have my summer fun!
No matter what my therapists has me do,
karate, tai chi, yoga, tens unit, whirlpool, therapeutic cane;
I know that none of it works on its own.
Each day I struggle to find a better way to overcome my pain and tingling.
Each day I find the best combination of things to do to keep me moving.
What works most of the time is my breakfast drink,
natural foods, my herbs, my exercises, my swimming,
but in the winter and the freezing cold; the moist air,
I get so tense that sometimes nothing works.
And that is what I am working on now my peoples -
a way to keep my pain in control during the winter
until I get to a warm climate and get my dreams going
of opening my own art studio and dojo for children.
And one day all will be overcome,
and my dreams will be fulfilled.
I have faith in that.
I wrote this blog,
because no matter what life holds
One can never give up,
stay strong always my people;
especially in adversity.
And when it seems all is lost;
the Lord thy God (whomever your God mine is Jehovah);
will always guide you and comfort you. 
And do not ever be afraid to ask for help.
There are family, friends, neighbors, a counselor, 
always someone you can talk to. 
A mentee, karate ka, and friend of mine 
took his life because of bullying and cyber bullying. 
Do not become a tragedy.
When all seems lost, 
there is always hope.
With this I have faith. Amen.

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