Saturday, October 9, 2021

We are too polarized in America!

 We are too polarized in America; 
can we get our unity back? 
By: Timothy L. Kerofsky, MA

2021 - 

Climate change deniers!

Hate and division!

Way too far right or left!

Anti vaxxers! 

Covid conspiracies! 

Parents yelling at other parents because their kids wear a mask!

What has happened to America? 

The simple answer really is FOX news and the lies being spread. 

But goes deeper than that. 

As a man with a MA in Sociology I do agree that social division is rooted in 
not just our history,        
but in the history of the world and how man has evolved. 
And hatred is rooted, many times, in the way we are raised. 
As a toddler we do not see black or white, Hispanic, Indian, or what not; 
we just see another toddler, 
yet our parents teach us to hate. 
They teach us the color differences and prejudices. 
Now with that said, the Christian church teaches us to 
love one another and respect one another.
Jesus teaches us to love thy neighbor as our self. 
Yet society, sadly, has always been divided, full of hatred, 
and war as nations battled one another for land, power, greed, monies, and oil.                       
And the slaughter of many Indians in the Republic of  the United States of America. 

Here is a bit of history...

1492 - Columbus sailed with the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria under the orders of                                  Queen Isabella. 

1619 - The first settlers came to Jamestown and brought slaves to America. 

1622 - Jamestown Massacre 

1644 - Powatan Massacre 

1675 - Great Swamp Massacre 

1676 - Turner Falls Massacre 

1704 - Apache Massacre 

1704 - Deerefield Massacre 

1830 - Andrew Jackson's Indian Removal Act 

1890 - Wounded Knee Massacre 

In the beginning of the creation of America, we came here 
and slaughtered the Indian natives. 
We, I mean the Colonial Americans, are really the first terrorists. 

Then from the beginning of Colonial America we had slavery of the blacks 
until Abraham Lincoln freed them after our civil war in 1865. 
Like I said racism, division, and hate as always been rooted in our history. 

Then after the Civil War we held the blacks back with laws that 
 prevented them from owning land and they were still forced to do slave work.                                  
Than later in the 1960's were the Jim Crow Laws separating whites and blacks.                                      
It was not until 1964 until the Civil Rights Act was signed by Lyndon Baines Johnson. 
This was supposed to unite the nation, 
but we were really not united until, sadly, the fall of the twin towers of 9/11
and the terrorists attacks on our nation in which we started treating the Muslins badly;
blaming them for the attacks, though really we should not have treated them bad
for it was not Saddam Hassan, but Usama Bin Laden funded by Saudi Arabia. 
Muslims are not to blame, they really are a peaceful religion. Anyway...  

In 1917 we became a warring nation and have been since. 
World War 1, 2, Korea, Vietnam, War on Terror, etc. 

Sadly now we are completely divided again 
and we went backwards under the tyranny of Trump. 
Germany had its dictator of Hitler from 1936 to 1942,
We have our dictator of Trump from when he took power in 2016;
which he is still hurting this country today even after being twice impeached;
and under a new president, Joe Biden, who is trying to unite us again;
and bring back our nation - building it back better.

He, Trump, used FOX news and people like Tucker Carlson 
who still gets away with spewing hate, lies, fake conspiracies, 
and stirs up anger and division. 

Tucker is the reason for much of the hate and anger today; 
the reason for the Covid conspiracies, 
for parents yelling at other parents for kids wearing masks, 
and the reason for much of the anti vax conspiracies.
He should be banned from FOX; 
in fact FOX news should be shut down and banned!

Trump spread his hate, bullying, fake conspiracies theories, propaganda, and such
on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media platforms. 
He spread fake conspiracies on Obama's birther movement, 
on the Covid crises which now over 600 thousand died 
(which makes Trump a murderer, like Hitler was in my book),
and with the Climate change and denying.
He was finally banned on Twitter and Facebook for life, 
but still spreads his lies, fake conspiracies, and propaganda with his rallies,
sadly millions of people still follow him. 

Instead of following him, follow Jesus, follow Jehovah, 
follow someone who is Christ-like. Trump is not Christ-like. 
If you believe in or follow Trump than you are not Christ-like;
If you follow him, you follow evil, hate, lies, bullying -
these things are not Christ-like!

To be Christ-like is to be like Jesus!
Is to be kind, caring, giving, 
is to stand up for others and what is right. 
It is not about greed or monies which Trump values. 

If we are ever to be reunited, instead of divided again; 
we have to come back under a common cause, 
but not in war - we had enough war. 
As a 26 year combat veteran I fought enough. 
When President Biden brought the troops home from Afghanistan
(though I do not agree on how he brought them home, 
I am not here today to debate that)
I cheered, because we do not need any more wars.  
It is time to bring our nation back and be an example for the world again.
It is time to get the infrastructure bill passed, the build back better act passed,
the climate change action with greener new jobs, and for the people act passed. 
As a Progressive Democrat I feel not even the 3.5 trillion is enough. 
It just chips away a bit, especially for the climate change in like Greta Thunburg says -
we need action now and Bernie Sanders says - time is running out.

We Democrats and the Republicans are in agreement with the infrastructure;
but with the other programs like free community college, child care, elderly care, 
housing, family leave, universal pre K, homeless shelters, and such 
the GOP calls socialism. There is nothing wrong with these programs. 
If we want to move this country forward we need programs like this. 
Canada, Qatar, Sweden, New Zealand, and the UK have programs as such. 
Not every American is a multi millionaire or a billionaire Senator or Congressman. 
We common people vote them in to fight for us, to have programs to better our lives.
Many hard working Americans can barely pay for housing or rent, 
yet alone put food on the table for the kids or families. 

A point I made in a blog before - 
Dwight D. Eisenhower had the corporate tax rate at 68%.
He used this tax rate to build the interstate highway system. 
Yet since then the infrastructure has been crumbling around us. 
We never really had a plan in place to rebuild our roads and bridges since then. 
All Biden wants to do is raise the corporate tax rate 5 points 
and have corporations pay their fair share. 
Many corporations cover up their monies and pay little or no taxes (Pandora Papers),
while a teenager flipping burgers at BK pays more taxes than a billionaire does. 
This is not right! (I am doing a blog on this on other post). 

My friends congress itself is much too divided. 
If they, especially the GOP, cannot come together for a common cause 
and pass these Climate Change Bills, Build Back Better Act, 
and the For the People Act passed; 
how are we ever going to get reunited?  

The bible says - 

"This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,

Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of JHVH (God);

Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: 
from such turn away."

2 Timothy 3:1-5 KJB (1611) 

Sadly I believe end times like this are near,
especially if we do not unite again. 
If people keep following hate and lies,
and people like Tucker Carlson and Trump,
we shall never reunite. 
We have to settle are differences and love one another,
not hate or bully, not spread conspiracies or lies. 
Let us find our common cause in America, 
rebuild it and be good ambassadors to the world again. 
Then we can reunite. 

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