1. 15 of the 19 terrorists were from Saudi Arabia,
yet we never set sanctions against Saudi Arabia because of oil.
(one from Lebanon, one from Pakistan, and two from Afghanistan)
2. The FBI suspected attacks were going to happen,
but there was no communication
between them, the CIA, and other agencies.
3. American flight 11 hit the North tower at 8:46 AM NYT.
4. United flight 175 hit the South Tower 17 minutes later.
5. American flight 77 hit the Pentagon at 9:36 AM Eastern time.
6. United flight 93 crashed into Shanksville field
in Pennsylvania at 1003 AM; which the Passengers on-board
stood against the terrorists and the quote "9/11 Lets Roll"
was formed and lives in history.
7. At 9:59 AM the South tower fell
and 29 minutes later the North tower fell.
8. A new organization was formed after 9/11
called the Department of Homeland Security
in which Thomas J. Ridge was the first director.
9. Bush enacted the global war on terrorism
in which troops went to Afghanistan to hunt for Bin Laden.
(And we stayed there for 20 years and it was all in vain,
as we sent the troops home and the Taliban took back over)
10. Obama sent seal team 6 in to kill Bin Laden
on May 2nd, 2011.
11. The Iraq war really had nothing to do with 9/11.
It was based on lies and falsehoods on
Weapons of Mass Destruction which was never found.
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