Tuesday, September 21, 2021

My Two Cents - Get your vaccine!

 Alright here is another "My Two Cents."

When I started elementary school I had to get mandatory vaccines,
when I joined the Navy I had to get 20 shots,
every year I get the flu shot.
Yet now people want to make the Covid vaccine political, why?
As soon as the vaccine came out I got my shots -
I got the Moderna.
Come on people get your shot and let us end this crises.
Now, I understand if one has a medical condition
which prevents them from getting the shot.
But if you do not have a valid medical condition -
get your shots.
People say that Biden cannot make shots mandatory;
yes he can - Here is a little history:
Washington (1732 - 1799) mandated small pox vaccines
for the continental army,
FDR (1833 - 1945) mandated the Polio vaccine,
Jimmy Carter mandated the nation wide vaccine program
for school children...
When the Spanish flu happened in 1918 people wore masks
covering their faces to prevent the spread.
Yet now there are anti mask protest.
What has happened to America?
The world follows us. Let us be good ambassadors again.
I tell you one thing - I would not want to be in a ships berthing
with a shipmate who is not vaccinated.
And that is "My Two Cents"
T.L. Kerofsky, MA

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Some 9/11 facts:

1. 15 of the 19 terrorists were from Saudi Arabia,
yet we never set sanctions against Saudi Arabia because of oil.
(one from Lebanon, one from Pakistan, and two from Afghanistan)
2. The FBI suspected attacks were going to happen,
but there was no communication
between them, the CIA, and other agencies.
3. American flight 11 hit the North tower at 8:46 AM NYT.
4. United flight 175 hit the South Tower 17 minutes later.
5. American flight 77 hit the Pentagon at 9:36 AM Eastern time.
6. United flight 93 crashed into Shanksville field
in Pennsylvania at 1003 AM; which the Passengers on-board
stood against the terrorists and the quote "9/11 Lets Roll"
was formed and lives in history.
7. At 9:59 AM the South tower fell
and 29 minutes later the North tower fell.
8. A new organization was formed after 9/11
called the Department of Homeland Security
in which Thomas J. Ridge was the first director.
9. Bush enacted the global war on terrorism
in which troops went to Afghanistan to hunt for Bin Laden.
(And we stayed there for 20 years and it was all in vain,
as we sent the troops home and the Taliban took back over)
10. Obama sent seal team 6 in to kill Bin Laden
on May 2nd, 2011.
11. The Iraq war really had nothing to do with 9/11.
It was based on lies and falsehoods on
Weapons of Mass Destruction which was never found.

A little history on 9-1-1:


Osama Bin Laden hated us since we used the
sacred soil in Saudi Arabia to defend the Saudis against Iraq
in the first gulf war in 1991.
The CIA was funding him and supplying him stinger missiles
to use against the Russian Red Army in the early 80's.
Yet, because of a grudge, the twin towers are no more.
In 1993 the first attempt on the twin towers failed,
so Bin Laden came up with a plot,
to kill many infidels as the radical Islam call us.
The original plan was to attack the Sears Tower in Chicago,
a nuclear plant in Texas,
and the city of Las Angeles as well.
In 1996 President Clinton sent cruise missiles
to retaliate from the 1993 attack,
to factories in Sudan and Afghanistan.
This was called - "Infinite Reach".
In 2000 there was an attack on the USS Cole DDG-67
in Aden Yemen,
in which 17 sailors were killed.
These attacks should not have happen,
for one we should have let Bin Laden
and his holy soldiers defend Saudi Arabia,
and two we had several chances to kill him.
In 1992 The CIA had a mission to kill Bin Laden,
but it was scrapped due to Bin Laden was meeting
with a Saudi Prince.
Before that Clinton scrapped another chance to kill him,
because there were children in the area.
In the Philippines in 1996 one of the terrorist lap tops
was confiscated by the Philippine National Police
with info on terrorists plots to attack several buildings
in the United States, yet it was never reported to the CIA or FBI.
Think about it. 9-1-1 should never have happened.
Then after the twin towers, the pentagon,
and the United 93 crash in the Pennsylvanian field;
President Bush enacted the War on Terrorism.
However, we lost focus on the Afghan War
and hunting for Bin Laden;
to an Iraq War, which we should not have been in,
and the fall of Saddam Hussein.
It was not until 2011 when President Obama enacted
Operation Neptune Spear;
until Bin Laden was finally killed
and justice was served.