Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Corporations should pay their fair share.

 Alright my friends I do not get it!

When FDR and Eisenhower was in the White House
the Corporate Tax rate was like 68 percent;
which was used to build the interstate system.
When Bush was in the White House it was at 39 percent.
It is at 21 percent now;
and Biden only wants to raise it to 28 percent;
only 5 points, yet the GOP is up in arms.
And Biden, like FDR and Eisenhower, wants to use it to
fix our infrastructure; roads, bridges, electrical grid,
electric vehicles, train system, safe drinking water,
better broadband, revitalize manufacturing, affordable housing,
also to expand education and childcare.
It is NOT a radical idea.
Many corporations, like Amazon, do not pay taxes,
yet the CEO's make billions.
None of the monies they make goes back into America;
it goes to outsourcing and big business corruption.
Corporations and billionaires need to pay their fair share,
and invest into America.
That is all the Democrats are asking for.
That is "My Two Cents".

The trickle down effect does not work.
Bush called it, "Voodoo Economics".
Reagan tried to build the economy from the top down;
instead we have to build it from the bottom up.


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