Thursday, August 27, 2020

Vote from YOUR heart.

My two cents -
Truth is Red goes to far right today;
and Blue goes to far left today.
What ever happened to the days of Reagan
when we all got along
and found the common ground for America?
Sadly those days are long gone my friends.
Now really one has to pick a side in which
they feel in their heart is the right way for the country to go.
Do we want four more years of Trump: of hate, of inequality,
of climate denying, of his twitter bullying?
Sure he pulled out of the bad TPP deal,
sure he brought some funding back to NASA
in where SPACE X stepped in,
sure he enacted the China Trade Agreement,
and fought the Opioide crises to name a few.
But he also enacted the Muslim ban,
took away the Paris Accord,
lowered emission standards,
denies climate change,
defunded part of the EPA,
alienated our allies,
is in bed with dictators,
took away the Pandemic Response Team,
defunded the WHO, mistrusts his scientists,
and worst of all mishandled the Covid Pandemic.
Do YOU really want four more years?
Or do we want a new change?
A change in bringing in green jobs,
of fighting climate change,
of unifying our NATO allies,
of bringing in Universal Health Care,
in bringing back DACA and a path to citizenship,
and most importantly bringing back a Pandemic Response Team,
ending the Covid Pandemic
and ensuring a another pandemic won't happen again.
Make a choice; but no matter how YOU vote, VOTE.
For WE all have the right to Vote!
Just vote from YOUR Heart!
That is my two cents. Thanks.

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