Today was the start of our camping trip adventure.
Me and my son Ken are on a quest for fun and adventure.
But it was a bust so far.
We left at noon and arrived at the Timber Campground in Cambridge, IL.
at around 1330 (1:30PM). We did get a nice spot that is for sure.
It is an open and isolated camp spot.
On the way there we stopped at Casey's General Store and had some pizza bites.
Afterwards we set up camp.
At around 1500 (3PM) we swam to the floating dock at the man made lake.
I dared Ken to swim to it. And he did.
At around 1600 (4PM) we went back to camp
and I made beans and hotdogs on the Coleman stove.
After we ate we made a campfire and roasted marshmallows.
At around 1800 (6PM) it started raining.
We were stuck in the tent until it died down a bit.
A couple hours later it died down, so Ken and I left in the SUV to go get some cards.
But the SUV slid and got stuck in the mud.
It started to storm again and it lightened and thundered all night.
BB guns were banned, but we had fun anyway by pumping them and shooting out air.
We shot down a can in the tent with only air.
We had a moment of fun, but the storm caused me pain.
My stenosis and tendon damage swelled up.
So I had a lack of sleep. I tossed and turned.
Friday 12 June 2015:
I am now chilling in a hotel room watching, "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" with my son Ken-dog.
At 0600 the rain settled a bit and I started bringing camping gear up to the SUV.
I awoke Ken and hour later and we carried all the gear
except the tent and the gear inside it up.
Then we rode our bikes to the front office.
It was still closed until 1130, but we saw the owners husband.
We talked to him and then he pulled us out of the mud.
He really was a good guy.
He got us pulled out by pulling us in a circle down to the bottom of the hill;
building momentum to get us to the top of the hill.
I got muddy hooking up the tow cable,
but Ken and I went to the gas station to get a decent breakfast afterwards.
I got two eggs over easy, sausage patty, hash-browns, and rye toast.
Then we went back to the camp site, packed up the rest of the gear walking up
and down the hill,
did the laundry, took a shower, and then went back to the site, broke down the tent
and brought that up to the SUV. We left it up to dry the best it could.
At around 1145 we went to the front office and asked for a refund;
but they do not give them.
What a piss poor business this campground is!
I am glad we left, because what I saw in the laundry room appalled me!
A flyer for "flag burning". Come again, say what?
The campground is hosting a "flag burning" to raise monies for the playground
which was a shambles to say the least.
A "flag burning" that is so wrong in so many ways.
It is disrespectful for us who fought to defend the flag.
It is not right at all!
Ken and I left out of there as fast as we could.
No way we were going to stay until Saturday for a "flag burning".
It rained off and on, on our way to Iowa City.
At 1430 (2:30PM) we arrived and checked into Hampton Inn.
We got a room, unpacked some change out clothes, showered,
and then at 1600 (4PM) we went to Perkin's for dinner slash late lunch.
I got the Tangler Burger, fries, tomato basel soup, and a chocolate malt.
Ken got the country potatoes, chicken strips, soda, and a vanilla milkshake.
Then we went back to the room, changed out and swam in the indoor pool.
Now it is after taps (2200 - 10PM) and we are watching the encore of
"Diary of a Wimpy Kid"...
Saturday 13 June 2015:
This morning Ken and I awoke at 0700. Ken went straight down to the breakfast.
I napped for a few more minutes and then went down to join him.
My continental breakfast was just basic. All I ate was scrambled eggs, sausage, and oatmeal.
I chatted with a fellow veteran. We talked about the VA and veteran's rights.
At 0800 we checked out of the hotel.
Though it was raining we drove down to Coraville Lake.
At around 0900 we arrived at Lake Coraville.
We were the only crazy people out in the rain.
The gentleman at the pier shack said, "hey it is raining".
I said, "so". And asked him if we could go boating with our rafts.
He said "sure".
So we, Ken and I, blew up the inflatable rafts, put on our life jackets,
and went rafting in the rain.
At 10 hundred (10AM) we decided to stay, because the clouds were breaking.
So we took campsite W-8. We were the only real tent campers there.
After setting up camp we left to go get ice for the cooler.
I planned on being gone for only an hour or two,
but we did not return until nearly 6 hours later.
I did not expect that. The day was decent and I was stuck driving around.
On the route one we stopped at Hyvee and got ice.
Ken was hungry, so we stopped at another Hyvee; where a bitch almost hit Ken,
because she ran a stop sign. They did not have food.
So I got on the freeway where and exit said, "food and gas".
We got off the freeway and got turned around.
We ran into a Wal-Mart where I purchased playing cards, lighters
and tie down cords for the hammocks.
After over an hour at Wal-Mart and Ken waiting to get these knives he wanted
(in which no one was there to help him) we left.
But the Zippo lighters did not work,
so we went back and stood in line for over an hour to return them.
After that Ken finally got these blades he wanted.
Then we went to Culver's for a late lunch. I love the butter buns.
After leaving Culver's we were turned around to find our way back to Coraville,
there were no signs saying Coraville, and we were actually 10 miles out of our way.
This nice black gentlemen told us to follow him and he pointed us in the right direction.
Finally at 1600 (4PM) we arrived back at the camp area.
We paid for the site for a night and then went down to the beach to swim for a couple hours.
Ken ended up losing one of his flippers. We searched for it, but never found it.
At around 1800 (6PM) we went back to the camp site
and chatted with the camper lady next to us.
She gave us a burning log to help us start a campfire.

Ken got the fire going and split logs.
While I got the Coleman stove going to make fake hamburger helper
and later we cooked a couple of chops on the campfire.
At around 1900 (7PM) we ate. Then I did the dishes and picked up.
Then I napped in my hammock and Ken in his, which we tied down with the tie downs.
I napped for about an hour, but not sure when Ken got up.
He was by the campfire when I awoke.
We then made S'mores, roasting marshmallows on the fire.
I sang and played a couple songs on my acoustic guitar.
After that we set up the cans and shot them with our BB guns.
This was around 2100 (9PM). It was getting dark,
so I taught Ken how to shot with the flashlight,
and how to be a spotter for another shooter. We had fun shooting the cans.
After that we played card games in the tent; "Kings Corners" and "Draw".
At around 2200 (10PM) I fell asleep...
Sunday 14 June 2015:
Home! Yep we are home from another shoddy camping trip. We arrived home at 1300 (1PM).
My wife helped us unpack the gear. This morning we awoke at 0600, ate "Special K" cereal.
And then went to the beach. We went inflatable rafting and then swimming.
We stayed around there until 11AM.
Then went to the campsite, broke down the gear, packed it in the SUV,
and then left for home.
After arriving home and unpacking the gear, I showered, shaved, and freshened up.
Then at 1700 (5PM) we ate a home cooked chicken dinner.
Now it is only like 1900 (7PM), but I am falling asleep. I am exhausted...
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