Tuesday, August 7, 2012

High Chloresterol

Fact of the day:

My friends in today's world children are not active like they were when I was a kid, we rode our bikes and played outside; we did not have the video games, except at the arcade, which we rode our bikes or skateboarded to; we did not have the high tech gadgets which make one lazy; we had fast-food, but rarely ate it - it was more like a treat; studies show that today children are,
for the most part, more lazy - less active, because they stay inside and play video games; eat too much fast food like McDonald's and therefore become obese or overweight and have much more health problems then what we did as children. This is a shame.

"High cholesterol affects 42 million Americans, and 63 million more have borderline high cholesterol." Web MD

"Most parents probably don't think about what cholesterol means for their kids. But high cholesterol is a risk factor for heart disease, which has its roots in childhood." 
Kids Health Org

Let us take a stand like Michelle Obama suggests and give our kids better habits in eating, and activities. Like eat dinner as a family, this has many advantages and we learn about each others day - making the family closer, and have them spend at least one hour a day playing outside or riding a bike. They will feel better about themselves and the family will become stronger as well.

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