Friday, September 13, 2024

History of Friday the 13th

 According to Biblical tradition -

13 guests attended the "Last Supper" held on Maundy Thursday 3 April 30AD

Jesus was betrayed by Judas Iscariot. 

And Jesus was crucified on "Good Friday" 4 April 30AD. 

Jesus the Christ, the King, the Prince of Peace 3BC - 30AD. 

Also, Eve gave Adam the 'Apple' from the "Tree of Knowledge" on a Friday.

And Cain killed his brother Abel on a Friday.

So, in essence Friday the 13th became known as a day of bad luck and misfortune. 

Historic Events that happened on Friday the 13th -

Friday October 13th, 1307 - the last of the Knights of Templar were executed. 

Friday April 13th, 1912 - the HMS Titanic received the last iceberg warning, 

yet it was never relayed to the ship's Captain, Captain E.J. Smith. 

She struck an Iceberg at 11:40PM and sank at 2:20AM on April 14th, 1912. 

Friday September 13th, 1940 - The German bombing of Buckingham Palace.

Friday March 13th, 1964 - The murder of Kitty Genever in Queens, New York.

Friday November 13th, 1970 - Cyclone kills 300,000 in Bangladesh.

Friday October 13th, 1972 - Chilen Airforce Plane disappears in the Andes  

Friday September 13th, 1996 - Death of rap-star Tupac.

Friday January 13th, 2012 - The crash of the Costa Concordia cruise ship.

However, there are many other historic bad luck events that did NOT happen on 

Friday the 13th like...

The bombing of Pan Am flight 103 in Scotland on December 21st, 1988.

The crash of flight 1285R of a MD DC-8 on Thursday December 12th, 1985

which killed 248 US Soldiers and 8 crew.

The Vanishing of Malaysian Airlines 370 (MH 370) in the South China Sea on 

March 8th, 2014.

The Beirut Barricks Bombing in Lebanon on October 23rd, 1983

which killed 220 US Marines, 18 US Sailors, 3 US Soldiers, and 58 French Military Personnel.

This led to the Multi-National Peacekeeping Force and the Battleship New Jersey BB-62

to be extendedly deployed in which we Battleship Sailors Beach Bombarded (BB) them.

And the 2 worst things that happened in my nearly 60-year lifetime:

1. The 9/11 (September 11th, 2001) attacks by "Islamic Extremists",

destroying the Twin Towers of New York, flight 77 attack on our Pentagon, 

and the attempted Capital attack foiled by the crew of United 93 

which crashed in a field in Shanksville, PA. In total killing 2,963 souls.

This was the worst attack by foreign terrorists on U.S. soil!

It led to the "Global War on Terrorism" in which I did two tours in Iraq.

in which I was in a distant IED explosion causing me PTSD, imbalance, 

and ringing in the ears. 

And led to us being in Afghanistan for over 20 years...

2. The January 6th, 2021, Insurrectionist Capital Attack, by domestic terrorists,

Right Wing Nationalist Extremists, the MAGA cult, caused by the lying rhetoric of Trump, 

in which sadly he, the ringleader, is running for president again. WTF!!!

So, yes, a lot of bad things did happen on Friday the 13th,

but a lot of bad things happened on other days as well...

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Thoughts and Prayers are NOT going to be enough this time!

 Thoughts and prayers are not going to be enough.

It is time to take action!
Let us end these senseless school shootings.
When I was a kid we had fire drills,
now it is mass shooter drills at schools.
Enough is enough!!!

Let us enact common sense gun reform:
1. Expand background checks nationwide,
2. Enact Red Flag Laws across the board,
3. Let us ensure everyone that owns or wants to buy
a firearm is trained and licensed,
4. Ban Ghost Guns and Gun Kits,
5. Reenact the Assault Weapons Ban.
It is common sense gun reform.
And the time is now to finally get it done!

Us Democrats do NOT want to take away guns,
but to make our streets and schools safer from
senseless gun violence.
After all we own guns too.
I AM a gun owner.

The 2nd amendment states -
A well-regulated militia,
for the necessity of a free state,
the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

If the Militia or Military is well-regulated,
then those who own and keep arms shall also be well-regulated.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

A Little history that I believe about Mary of Magdeline,

 from my Catholicism studies and Theology studies:

Mary (Mariam) was a Jewish woman from the fishing town Magdala
on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee.
Her name is mentioned, I believe, 12 times in the Gospels,
more than most of the apostles at least.
Saint Mark and Saint Luke recorded the healing of demons from
Mary’s life in their Gospel accounts.
Mary was scorned as a prostitute.
But became a follower of Jesus,
and later became Jesus' wife?! (This is what I believe according to
much Theology, Biblical, and Gnostic research).
Yes, I stand corrected as I go back into my notes of Theology.
Mary of Bethany was the Mary that was with Martha,
not Mary of Magdeline.
And she did wash Jesus' feet, however an account in
the gospel of Luke talks about a prostitute
(which the Catholic church believes was Mary of Magdeline)
that also washes Jesus's feet in a different account.
In the Book of Phillip, it talks about Mary being Kissed by Jesus...
In the Book of Mary itself it talks about Jesus loving her like no other,
and how she was meant to lead the "church".
~ T.L. Kerofsky, MA Soc, BA Theology

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Trump vs Harris

 OK my friends -

we have a choice between a convicted felon, cheat, narcist,
pathological liar, who has taken advantage of people his entire life,
who is a bully, a disgrace to America, stole classified documents,
caused an insurrectionist attack on our capital,
avoided the draft, called us veteran's "suckers" and "losers",
took us out of the "Open Sky's Program" putting our country in danger,
wrote "Love Letters" to Kim Jun Un,
admirer's dictators such as Viktor Orban and Putin,
told us to inject bleach during COVID19,
wants to dismantle the EPA, NOAA, NPS, and such,
does not believe in climate change or gun control,
wants to indoctrinate the school system,
and wants to take away women's rights.
Note read the Heritage Group "Project 2025"
whom was written by those on the Trump staff,
I am on page 480 of 900 (it is an eye opener)
Or a female who is now the de facto choice for democrat
nominee for president, who is Madam Vice President,
was a senator, a prosecutor, a district attorney,
a graduate of the HBCU Howard University,
an advocate for womans rights,
and one who stands for democracy.
Between the bully Trump or VP Kamala Harris for president,
my choice is by far Madam President to be Kamala Harris!
~ T.L. Kerofsky, MA Soc

Friday, June 28, 2024

The first 2024 Debate

 OK, OK! Let's talk about the debate.

No matter what happened,
to me debates are about context, facts, and honesty.
And there was only one person on stage that was like this,
and that, of course, was President Joe Biden.
Trump spewed so many lies it was beyond ridiculous.
He is a pathological liar, narcist, racist, felon, and a diminished clown!
CNN did NOT do a single fact check whatsoever. WTF!
Everything Biden said was spot on, but he could have fought harder.
Trump spewed about the border, much were lies, but it could
have been fixed with Biden's bipartisan border bill. Period!
And when Trump said Veterans respect him, I about puked.
I am a combat veteran and have no respect for Trump whatsoever.
First off, he stole over 250 classified documents,
If I as a Master at Arms would have stolen just one,
I would still be in the brig right now.
That in itself was a Treasonous Act!
Second, he caused the January 6th Insurrection on our capital.
He betrayed the Constitution of the United States
and is a Traitor to this nation. A nation I fought for!
Lastly, he called Veterans "Suckers" and "Losers".
To me, if any Veteran supports Trump,
they are Traitors to the Nation and our Constitution.
Trump is a convicted Felon of 34 counts, he is a convicted rapist,
and he has been a Con-man his entire life.
Not only that, but he also wrote "Love Letters" to Kim Jun Un,
and Putin.
And he mishandled COVID19 where 100's of thousands of Americans died.
Telling Americans to inject bleach. WTF!
I do not understand why people support such a man.?
He should be in prison for life, NOT running for President.
Let us instead focus on the accomplishments of President Biden:
* American Rescue Plan
* Biden TAX Act
* Veterans PACT Act
* CHIPS and Science Act
* Inflation Reduction Act
* Capped the cost of Insulin
* Bipartisan Gun Reform Bill
* Biggest "Climate Reform Bill" in history
* And biggest "Infrastructure Bill" since Eisenhower.
Biden also supports woman's rights and health care.
Yes, the CHOICE IS CLEAR! #Biden2024

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Tuesday Thoughts -


Why so many wars?
I mean today conflicts are escalated in Israel with Gaza and HAMAS,
In the Red Sea as the U.S. Navy ships have to defend against Libya,
and the unlawful invasion of Russian Forces in Ukraine.
Why can't we just all get along?
Wars are all about power and greed, hate, and monies.
If we can be kind to each other, there would not be any wars.
The United State has been a warring nation since its birth,
but I will not mention colonial wars,
only those since WW1.
Here are the wars and conflicts we were involved in:
WW1 (1917 - 1921)
WW2 (1941 - 1945)
Korea (1950 - 1953)
Vietnam (1961 - 1975)
Bay of Pigs (1961)
Grenada (1983)
Lebanon (1983 - 1987)
Philipine Coup Attempt (1989)
Gulf War (1990 - 1991)
Bosnia (1993)
Global War Terrorism - Iraq and Afghanistan (2001 - 2021)
Geez guys, what is next?
Why don't we just stop warring altogether, and have peace?

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Easter a day rooted in Pagan Traditions

 OK, it is Good Friday,

in which the Church says it is the day Christ was Crucified.
But I believe it to actually to be on a Thursday,
since there were two Sabbath Days that year.
Then that leads to which the Church calls Easter,
which they say is the day that Christ arose from the dead.
I do believe that to be true, that Jesus rose from the dead,
it is, afterall, in scripture.
But I do not believe in the Pagan day of Eostre -
the day of Fertility, Planting a Harvest, and Copulation.
Easter, like most Holidays come from Pagan Roots.
For example - our Christmas traditions of decorating a tree,
of the Yule log in the fire, kissing under the mistletoe,
and even gift giving which Pagans gave to "mythical beings".
Christmas was really the Pagan day of Saturnalia.
A day of Harvest and Sacrifice.
Easter is no exception - it is rooted in Pagan traditions.
IE - the Easter Bunny, Decorating and Hiding an Egg,
and even the food come from Pagan roots.
The Pagan theme is of Light, Life, and Rebirth.
The Early Christian Churches took from that theme
and made it about Jesus' resurrection.
The light of Yahweh shining from heaven,
the life of Jesus' (Yeshua's) goodness on earth,
and the rebirth of Christ, yet to come.
I, like many of you, follow the Christian tradition's taken from the pagans,
I like the Pagan holiday of All Hallows Eve the most, to be honest.
I like the tradition's of Christmas,
and being around family during that time.
And like how they made Easter about Jesus' resurrection.
But I also know the truth of where the traditions come from.
The truth is the traditions are Pagan, not Christian.

~ T.L. Kerofsky, MA Soc, BA Theology