Thursday, March 28, 2024

Easter a day rooted in Pagan Traditions

 OK, it is Good Friday,

in which the Church says it is the day Christ was Crucified.
But I believe it to actually to be on a Thursday,
since there were two Sabbath Days that year.
Then that leads to which the Church calls Easter,
which they say is the day that Christ arose from the dead.
I do believe that to be true, that Jesus rose from the dead,
it is, afterall, in scripture.
But I do not believe in the Pagan day of Eostre -
the day of Fertility, Planting a Harvest, and Copulation.
Easter, like most Holidays come from Pagan Roots.
For example - our Christmas traditions of decorating a tree,
of the Yule log in the fire, kissing under the mistletoe,
and even gift giving which Pagans gave to "mythical beings".
Christmas was really the Pagan day of Saturnalia.
A day of Harvest and Sacrifice.
Easter is no exception - it is rooted in Pagan traditions.
IE - the Easter Bunny, Decorating and Hiding an Egg,
and even the food come from Pagan roots.
The Pagan theme is of Light, Life, and Rebirth.
The Early Christian Churches took from that theme
and made it about Jesus' resurrection.
The light of Yahweh shining from heaven,
the life of Jesus' (Yeshua's) goodness on earth,
and the rebirth of Christ, yet to come.
I, like many of you, follow the Christian tradition's taken from the pagans,
I like the Pagan holiday of All Hallows Eve the most, to be honest.
I like the tradition's of Christmas,
and being around family during that time.
And like how they made Easter about Jesus' resurrection.
But I also know the truth of where the traditions come from.
The truth is the traditions are Pagan, not Christian.

~ T.L. Kerofsky, MA Soc, BA Theology

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Early Monday Morning Thoughts:

In the state of Illinois (where I grew up),
one has to obtain a FOID card before buying a firearm,
one also has to go through a firearms safety course,
and has to go through a firearm concealed carry class,
before obtaining a Concealed Carry License (CCL).
And all of this is registered with the Illinois State Police.
I feel the state of Illinois has it right.
I had to do all of this before obtaining my firearm,
even though I was in the military.
Yet in other states one can walk right into a gun shop
or gun show and walk out with like an AR15.
It is like that in New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma...
This is not right! I feel all states should be like Illinois.
This is what I feel we as a society across the board should do:
1. Everyone who owns a firearm should have a Firearms Registration ID.
2. Everyone before buying a firearm should go through a firearms training and safety course.
3. Everyone buying a firearm should be well vetted.
4. Everyone who wants a CCL should do the advanced firearms course.
5. We should also reenact the Assault Weapons Ban we had for 10 years.
This is some commonsense gun reform.
If we have to have a license to drive a car,
one should have one to own a gun.
Also, we should enact red laws,
and ban the manufacture of ghost guns!
In my state now, New Mexico, I applaud my governor
for trying to enact a State Assault Weapons Ban,
and enacting a waiting period to buy a firearm.
After all it does state in the 2nd amendment,
"A well-regulated militia for the necessity of a free state..."
Those who owned firearms back then were well-regulated,
and trained, as it should be now.
Those are my Monday Thoughts!

Food for thought -
remember violent crime went down 6.9 percent overall with the
assault weapons ban,
it does not seem like much, but in retrospect it was a lot.