I am debating in my mind,
if I should post a verse of the day or not?
I praise the LORD whom I call JEHOVAH!
And do my best to follow his son JESUS!
Don't get me wrong, I believe in them!
I am angry about all the hate, bullying, wars here on earth,
about all the evil people like Trump,
whom I have doubt he will be held accountable for his actions!!!
The man caused an insurrection and stole classified documents,
amongst being convicted of sexual assault and misconduct.
As a Navy Master at Arms,
who delivered classified docs to the Captain,
if I left the ship with one document I would still be in the brig.
Think about it.
Trump is a loudmouth bully, who should be disqualified for president,
with the 14th amendment, yet his goons in congress does not care!
These brainwashed evangelists believe he is the second coming.
Really??? Trump is nothing like Jesus! Nothing!!!
Jesus is NOT hateful, not a bully, not an uncaring sociopath!
Jesus is honest, Trump is the most dishonest men I know!
And he tried to steal an election!
I am ANGRY because, I still do not understand why the LORD,
took my son who had good morals - he was kind, caring,
giving like Jesus, yet the LORD left such an evil man on earth
who could be president again. That to me is scary!!!
And WE have to beat Trump in the polls,
and keep fighting to hold him accountable for his evil actions!
Though I am angry. I will post my verse of the day.
WE have to have some small ounce of faith,
that we can beat Trump!!! WE HAVE to beat Trump!!!
That is my two cents. Thanks!