Thursday, November 21, 2019


Timeline of Thanksgiving:

1492 - Columbus set sail with the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria.
He set out to sea with the order of Queen Isabella,
to establish a spice trade route to a new world.

1607 - The first Explorers landed in North America;
and set up the Jamestown Colony.

1619 - More settlers came.

1620 - The Pilgrims sailed on the Mayflower
and landed on Cape Cod.
The trip took 55 days from England to Plymouth Rock.
They landed on November 11th, 1620.

1621 - The first Thanksgiving was held on Wednesday November 24th, 1621.
The feast was between the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag Indians.
The food consisted of: Waterfowl, Venison (deer), Ham, Lobster,
clams, wild-berries, pumpkin, and squash.

1776 - The Constitution was ratified and we became the
Republic of the United States of America.

1781 - George Washington recognized the Day of Thanks
on the last Wednesday of the month of November. 

1863 - During the Civil War President Abraham Lincoln
moved Thanksgiving to the last Thursday of the month of November.

1939 - Since there were 5 Thursday's that year in the month of November,
to restore order President Roosevelt moved Thanksgiving to the
second to last Thursday of the month.
This created the capitalistic Christmas shopping day
on the day after Thanksgiving known as Black Friday.

Now no matter what Thursday of November that Thanksgiving falls on,
let us not forget the first Thanksgiving that the first settlers celebrated,
with the Native American Indians as a sign of Thankfulness and Peace.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

My Two Cents - Trump Edition

My two cents;
I am tired of all the propaganda.
Here are the facts about the bad Trump has done.
He enacted the trade war with China,
which actually hurt farmers.
His tax plan gave tax breaks for the wealthy.
He walked back The Clean Air and Water Act,
Dismantled the EPA, and is a Climate Change Denier.
He backs Russia over our own Intelligence Agencies.
He lies over and over again to the US Public.
He withheld Aid appropriated by Congress for political favors.
He had the troops withdraw from Syria,
and allowed Turkey to slaughter our Kurdish allies
and their families. And gave the Safe Zone to Turkey.
He degraded the Affordable Care Act without the promised fix.
He quadrupled our National Debt in less than 3 years
when he promised to erase our debt in 4 years.
Every person he hires is unqualified,
IE Betsy DeVos for Secretary of Education,
Ben Carson for HUD,
Rick Perry for Secretary of Energy;
none of these people are qualified at all.
Not to mention having his unqualified family
running offices in the White House.
Obama had a Dr. Ernest Moniz as the Secretary of Energy.
A highly qualified person. A scientist and nuclear physicist.
Instead of "Draining the Swamp"
Trump has added to it with more corruption than ever.
Trump did NOT divest himself of his private businesses
which is against the “Emoluments Clause” of the Constitution.
Not building the wall that  He promised to.
He had control of congress for two years and failed.
He broke off the Iran Nuclear Deal without replacing it,
now there is no nuclear inspections by UN in Iran.
Trump is a self proclaimed deal maker,
but in reality all he does is pull out of deals. 

Trump is very un-presidential. 
He spreads many conspiracy theories and lies
and has enacted many bad policies:
The birther movement, the Email scandal,
the bullying of Biden, and of the disabled,
the cyberbullying on twitter,
the name calling of the Mexicans and Muslims,
and to politicians, the fake propaganda he spreads,
the hate he spews, rise of hate groups and white supremacist groups,
more and more mass shootings in schools, churches, synagogues,
the Ukraine controversy, praise of Russia and of dictators,
climate change denying, pulling out of the Paris accord,
crises at the border, kids in cages indefinitely,
and this is our President.

I am sad at times to be an American. 
It is truly not the America I grew up in. 

Now Trump is finally under impeachment of his many crimes.
Here are a few:
Paying off porn stars - bribery (18 US Code 201), 
unethical business practices, 
admitting to sexual harassing women, 
quid pro quo with Ukraine (18 US Code 872), 
soliciting foreign officials (52 U.S. Code 30121), 
misappropriation of funds, need I go on.

A personal note:
To me Trump will never compare to Reagan (my favorite Republican president). 
And not even Reagan's plans were all good for this country. 
He failed with the Voodoo Economics with the trickle down effect
in his 1986 Tax Reform Act which gave out subsidies to big oil companies,
and many Americans were unemployed; he hurt the unions and the factory workers. 
He also hurt the environment by lowering the emission standards. 
But Reagan worked with both parties and got things done. 
He had respect by nearly everyone. He worked on relations with Russia. 
His foreign policy, in the end, put an end to the cold war 
and in 1991 the Soviet Union fell. 
He enacted the Iran Contra deal to fight the war on drugs;
though many guns, monies, and drugs got smuggled under this deal. 
He enacted gun reform after he was shot. 
And was against Automatic and semi automatic high-powered weapons
in which he put a permanent ban on automatic weapons 
and a temporary ban on semi automatic weapons. 
He got the Berlin Wall torn down. 
Reagan increased defense spending and nearly built up a 600 ship Navy fleet.
At the time we needed a big military,
however it also began the Military Industrial Complex
that Eisenhower warned us about.  
He enacted the Star Wars Program, built up NASA, and was a great Military President. 

Sadly many also died during the Reagan Administration:
10 Embassy attacks
318 deaths
1 US ambassador killed
18 CIA officers
254 Marines
Number of investigations 1

But under the Obama Administration (My favorite President):
there were only...
2 Embassy attacks
4 American deaths
yet there was...
13 investigations.  

And Trump calls the Impeachment Inquiry and the Russian Investigation a big witch hunt. 
In my view the big with hunt was the Clinton E Mail scandal, and the Benghazi investigations. 

That is my Two Cents.