Today we discussed using the name of God, not just the title of God.
Titles that are so loosely used; God and Lord.
Some churches argue that no one truly knows the name of the Lord.
So they,
namely the Catholic Church in which most churches today are derived from,
took the name of God,
which in Hebrew is YWHW; Yahweh and in English is Jehovah,
out of the bible.
The only bibles that have the name of God in them are:
the Hebrew Bible which has YHWH wriiten in it
and the original 1611 King James Bible which has Jehovah written in it.
In fact the word Jehovah is used 7000 times.
One needs to use the name of the Lord in their own language.
In Hebrew it is Yahweh, In Greek it is Doxi, in English it is Jehovah
and in Spanish it is Jehova.
Like my first name is Timothy in English,
but in Spanish it is Timoteo, in Polish it is Tymon,
in Chinese it is Di mo xi, and in Japanese it is Timoshi.
Does it matter if we use just the title Lord or God?
Yes it does. This is interpersonal.
Like when a person calls me Mister.
That person does not know me yet, so they say just mister.
When they get to know me and we become formal they use my title and name;
Mister Kerofsky.
Like I call the Lord by his title and name: God Jehovah or Lord Jehovah.
"And it shall come to pass,
whosoever shall call on the name of the LORD shall be delivered:
for in
mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance,
as the LORD JEHOVAH hath
and in the remnant whom the LORD shall call."
Joel 2:32 KJV (1611)
The Lord Jehovah is not only our savior;
because he sent his son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for us,
and he delivered the Israelite's from slavery,
but he is also the creator of all things;
the universe, the earth, the trees, the oceans, the animals, and man; all things.
"And God Jehovah said unto Moses, I
AM THAT I AM: and he said,
Thus shalt thou say unto the children of
Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you."
Exodus 3:14 KJV (1611)
The Lord Jehovah is also our avenger as well.
"Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves,
but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written,
Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord."
Romans 12:19 KJV (1611)
My friends, fellow bloggers, and fellow brothers and sisters in Christ:
I ask you, "Shall we not call the Lord by his name; Jehovah?"